Clarke & Lexa • I still love you [+season 5]

7 years, but Clarke still love Lexa!
This video is improved version of my latest one!
So thank you for watching this video. I hope you enjoy it!

For now I own nothing!
All credits to THE 100!

Program: Sony Vegas Pro 11
TV show: The 100
Seasons: 2,3,4,5
Thumbnail font: Taken by Vultures, Bebas
Song: Last reunion

“All but one” “I loved her so much” “I loved her, mom” “Scientist” “Stay with me”

#fanvidfeed #clexa #the100

#Clexa #The100 #ClarkeGriffin #Clarke #Lexa #LexaKomTrikru #LexaWoods #CommanderLexa #ElizaTaylor #AlyciaDebnamCarey #Damocles #5×12 #S05e12 #Madi #Madie #AllButOne #LoveIsWeakness #LifeIsAboutMoreThanJustSurviving #Heda #Madi #Season5 #Flame #LeksaKomTrikru #Lexadeservedbetter #Natblida #AliciaClark #FearTheWalkingDead #Heda #CommanderLexa #Wanheda #ElizaJaneTaylor #DeadsetADC #Deadsetadc #Sikam16 #AllClexaKisses #The100Kisses #Bellarke #Murven #5×13 #Season6